About Cveler

Computer vision expertise at your service

Cveler is a one-person computer vision consultancy established in 2022. The focus of the company is to offer services only in limited areas of expertise and interest. Cveler does not have a permanent office and accepts on-site work only in special cases.

Hi there! I’m Matti Jukola, a computer vision engineer with 10+ years of experience in software that needs to be run reliably 24/365.

I’m experienced in low-level algorithm implementation, GPGPU (CUDA), DSPs, platform architecture, automation, and frontends. My computer vision interests are mostly in classical 3D vision methods (calibration, pose estimation, SLAM, blobs, etc.) and robust deep learning methods for industrial use (motion blur, noisy, etc.).

I’m usually the do-it-all and “tools guy” of the teams I have worked with. Be it creating efficient build systems, complex graphical user interfaces, runtime debugging tools, or interactive dashboards, I have found the challenges interesting when it helps others to be more efficient.

By having a deep understanding of computer vision, algorithms, and deep learning, I can quickly jump into your team and get results faster than expected.

I sometimes contribute to open source projects on Github and write blog posts about my interests. You can contact me directly on Linkedin.

Hope to talk to you soon!

– Matti